2022-05-11T15:35:28-05:00October 21st, 2011|anouncement, events for members, readings|

The Play Formerly Known as Larius Likler (working title) by Aimée Gonzalez Sunday, October 30th at 6:30pm HYDE PARK THEATRE, 511 W. 43rd St. (PLEASE NOTE DIFFERENT LOCATION) The Liklers are in a pickle. Parson Likler suddenly finds himself a single dad to his son Larius, an apsiring serial killer, his daughter Molly, a waitress attempting to fake obesity, and his youngest daughter Beluga, a middle schooler in love with a hairy older man. The family clumsily feels their way through this new life until a phone call changes everything.


2011-10-05T02:57:28-05:00October 5th, 2011|anouncement, events for members, readings|

MORPHINE by Gary Swaim Monday, October 17 at 7pm ArtCentre Theatre in Plano 5220 Village Creek Drive (map) Plano, Texas 75093 MORPHINE Dr. Benjamin has undergone heart surgery and finds himself in the predicament of acquiring almost everything the hospital has to give him in the way of other illnesses, resulting in a 6-month hospitalization and a 54-day coma. During his hospital stay, he encounters himself through morphine-induced hallucinations and the actions of his family and friends. Comedy meets philosophy. (based not all so loosely on my personal experiences in 2006)

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