2024-09-17T16:38:56-05:00September 16th, 2024|anouncement, events for members, readings|

CAVEPAINT by Briandaniel Oglesby
Sunday, September 29 at 6:30 PM
Hyde Park Theatre, 511 W. 43rd St.

In a cave that folds time, a cavepainter paints the stories of those who get lost. Some are lost in guilt, some in grief, shame, queer-longing, career, or the dark hard parts of creating art. They […]


2024-08-23T11:09:58-05:00August 23rd, 2024|anouncement, events for the public, meet n greet|

Saturday, September 7th 3-5 pm
Butterfly Bar at the VORTEX
2307 Manor Rd., Austin, TX 78722

ScriptWorks members and their families, as well as area playwrights, actors, directors, designers, technicians, and those interested in finding out more about ScriptWorks are invited to the Annual Meet & Greet to launch our 26th season.

This is ScriptWorks’ […]

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