A Showcase of 10-Minute Plays
ScriptWorks presents OUT OF INK: Forgetting Finnegan, the 13th annual showcase of 10 minute plays
April 7-9 and April 14-16 at 8 PM
Salvage Vanguard Theatre, 2803 Manor Rd.
$12 general admission, $10 students/seniors/ScriptWorks
April 7th is a Pay-What-You-Wish preview
We all know time flies when you’re having fun. It flies especially quickly when that fun is writing a ten-minute play in 48 hours. That is the task ScriptWorks members were charged with during the Weekend Fling writing retreat. And if that isn’t challenge enough, they had to also incorporate three random ingredients into their mini opuses.
This year’s ingredients were:
1. The dialogue must include passages from the end and the beginning of Finnegan’s Wake by James Joyce.
2. The play must include a ceremony of forgetting.
3. Time is running out.
At the end of the Fling, the plays were read in a ScriptWorks Salon at the State Theater. A selection committee picked eight of the plays to produce in the Out of Ink Festival. The selection committee included director Debbie Lynn Carriger, actor Jason Phelps, and Texas A&M – Corpus Christi theatre professor, Alison Frost. The selected plays handle those ingredients in various ways including scientists dealing with a shrinking world, a young woman getting married to forget her past, and a surprise encounter with Albert Einstein.
The Forgetting Finnegan scripts were written by:
Lowell Bartholomee, Devo Carpenter, Amparo Garcia-Crow, Max Langert, Marshall Ryan Maresca, Susan McMath Platt, Sarah Saltwick and Hank Schwemmer. The plays will be performed by an ensemble of actors including Michelle Brandt, Victoria Eisele, Sharon Elmore, Rhonda Kulhanek, Christopher Loveless, Jose Marenco, Robert Pierson, Justin Scalise, Jacob Trussell and Zeb West. They’ll be directed by Debbie Lynn Carrieger, Ellie McBride, Christina J. Moore, and Sharon Sparlin with dramaturgy by Elizabeth Cobbe and Candyce Rusk.
ScriptWork’s 13th Annual Ten Minute Play Showcase
Salvage Vanguard Theatre, 2803 Manor Rd.
April 7-9 and 14-16, 2011 at 8 PM
Tickets: $12 general admission, $10 students/seniors/ScriptWorks
April 7th is a Pay-What-You-Wish preview