Austin Script Works Announces Latino Playwrights Initiative

2006-05-24T12:24:00-05:00May 24th, 2006|anouncement|

Austin Script Works, the State Theater, Teatro Vivo, and a dedicated committee of local and regional artists are organizing the area’s first Latino Playwrights Initiative.

“One of this region’s greatest strengths is the Latino community,” says C. Denby Swanson, artistic director of Austin Script Works, “and yet there is an absolute […]

Dramatis Personae Workshop

2006-05-22T21:09:48-05:00May 22nd, 2006|workshops|

Just in time for the Latino Playwright Initiative call for short plays, or maybe just a head start on your FronteraFest piece …

Hold on to your Shorts!
The Learning to Write Quickly (and shortly!) Workshop
led by Amparo Garcia

6:30-10:00 p.m.
Monday, May 22, 2006
State Theatre, 719 Congress Ave. […]

Member Salon

2006-05-21T21:07:05-05:00May 21st, 2006|readings|

Don’t miss the last Salon of the season!

The Sandreckoner by Dan Dietz
6:30 p.m.
Sunday, May 21st
State Theatre, 719 Congress Ave. (map)

A student. A teacher. A pizza. A gun. An ancient mathematical problem.
A terribly modern tragedy. Just another night in the suburbs. Featuring Ken Bradley, Jeffery Mills, […]

Cricket Radio: Austin Chronicle review

2006-01-30T15:13:39-06:00January 30th, 2006|fronterafest|

Cricket Radio
As the economy flattens and the cost of producing live dramatic works goes through the roof, the recent proliferation of “radio plays” makes sense. It’s much simpler, not to mention more cost-effective, to produce a dramatic presentation that doesn’t require sets, costumes, or elaborate lights. While producing them might […]

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