March salon

2008-03-08T22:15:34-06:00March 8th, 2008|events for members, readings|

DYNAMO FROM DALLAS by Michael Michaelian
Sunday March 30, 2008 @ 6:30 PM
Featuring Babs George

The Austin Center for Religious Science
4701 Westgate Blvd, Ste A-103
Austin, TX 78745
The Center is located across the street from the Westgate Theaters in the white stone office buildings (Westgate Professional Center) around the […]

ASW presents KEY CHANGES, the 10th Annual Out of Ink 10 minute play showcase

2008-03-07T00:29:44-06:00March 7th, 2008|anouncement, events for members, events for the public, members at work, out of ink, productions|

ASW’s 10th Annual Out of Ink Festival
The Blue Theater
916 Springdale Road
April 3-5 and 10-12 at 8 PM
Tickets $12 general admission, $10 students/seniors/ASW/ACoT
April 3 is a Pay-What-You-Wish preview

A global pop ballad, a Christmas carol, a golden oldie, a 20th century piano work and a plethora of Broadway show tunes. […]

February salon

2008-02-18T20:57:42-06:00February 18th, 2008|anouncement, events for members, readings|

BLUE MONDAY by C. Denby Swanson
Sunday February 24, 2008
State Theatre, 719 Congress Ave.

C. Denby Swanson’s, Blue Monday, a new play that she is adapting from the medieval morality play EVERYMAN.

C. Denby Swanson is the TCG/NEA Playwright in Residence at Zachary Scott Theater Center and the former Artistic Director of […]

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