2020-06-10T14:46:59-05:00June 2nd, 2020|anouncement, organizational|

In response to the murders of George Floyd, Michael Ramos, and the countless others who have been victimized because of their race, we are pausing the newsletter today.

ScriptWorks unequivocally condemns racism, police brutality, and all forms of systemic and structural white supremacy. We support communities and artists of color and, […]


2019-06-27T17:50:34-05:00June 26th, 2019|anouncement, events for members, organizational|

All ScriptWorks members should’ve received an email with information about the current membership survey at Survey Monkey, which will be open till midnight on the night of July 9th. Christi also sent a follow-up email. If you didn’t get those emails or are having trouble with the survey, please contact […]

Script Works Summer Fun

2010-05-07T12:20:02-05:00May 7th, 2010|organizational|

30/60/90 started June 1st, but you can still jump in on the action. Sign up for a period of time — 30, 60, or 90 days. We believe the small suggested donation for 30/60/90 will help give you an incentive for your creative commitment (and cover our administrative costs); but a basic tenet of 365 Days/365 Plays is radical inclusion, so contact christi-at-scriptworks.org if the fee is prohibitive — the fee for members is 33 cents a day. AND, we are happy to announce the return of the Summer Satellites - these are small member-defined groups which focus on a specific writing area or issue, e.g. rewrites, screenwriting, new projects, etc. or they can be organized by geographic area. Contact Aimée at list-at-scriptworks.org and she will connect people with like interests. From there each group will determine how often and when they meet and what their personal goals and deadlines are.

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