Dramatis Personae Workshop

2007-05-30T15:14:45-05:00May 30th, 2007|workshops|

DANCING IN CYBERSPACE: The basic principles of creating performances in the digital world
with Clay Nichols

Weds. June 6, 7-10pm
State Theatre, 719 Congress Ave.

We will cover some of the basics: staking out your digital real estate, creating digital content (includes basic digital filmmaking), posting or “performing,” aggregating an audience (or […]

May Salon

2007-05-14T11:52:29-05:00May 14th, 2007|anouncement, events for members, readings|

Sunday, May 20 at 6:30 pm
The State Theatre
719 Congress Ave.

A Perfect Circle
by Tom Cointer

In A Perfect Circle, a small boy with a mesmerizing power is endangered by the adults around him and their confidence that they will be able to protect him, no matter what.

Tom Coiner is a playwright […]

ASW member wins inaugural Wasserstein prize

2007-05-05T10:59:18-05:00May 5th, 2007|anouncement|

Linda Ramsey was named first winner of the Wasserstein Prize, an honor for emerging writers established in memory of playwright Wendy Wasserstein, who died last year. Ramsey, who has had plays produced at the University of Texas at Austin, was recognized for her script, This Feather House. The prize […]

ASW congratulates Swanson and Dietz on NEA/TCG residencies

2007-05-03T12:09:47-05:00May 3rd, 2007|anouncement|

ASW is proud to announce that current Artistic Director Colin Denby Swanson and former Artistic Director Dan Dietz are two of the eleven national recipients of the 2007 NEA/TCG Theatre Residency Program for Playwrights. The program, developed and administered by Theatre Communications Group (TCG) in collaboration with the National Endowment […]

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