We’ll be gathering online this Sunday, August 30th, for our annual season kick-off event, the Meet & Greet. While we’re sad we can’t have our usual cozy meet-up at the Vortex’s Butterfly Bar, we want to come together as a community to support one another and share news about playwriting […]
The final 30 days of this year’s 30/60/90 Daily Writing Program start on July 31st. Renew you commitment to daily writing with inspiration emailed to your inbox every morning. Get complete information and sign up HERE.
A Dramatis Personae Workshop with Susan O’Connor
June 24th at 7:30 PM
ScriptWorks Members $15/General $25
(in recognition of the financial uncertainty of this time, this workshop is being offered at a 30-40% discount)
Enroll HERE
Game writing is dramatic writing. It borrows from the worlds of theater, movies, and TV. But what […]
One of the things our coronavirus survey showed was that many members are, understandably, having a hard time focusing on writing right now and especially getting started. Since it’s likely folks will still be “hunkering down” for the next few months, at least, we are reviving our 30/60/90 program for […]