2018-02-12T03:42:23-06:00February 12th, 2018|anouncement, events for members, readings|

(UNTITLED PLAY) by J. Isabel Salazar
Sunday, February 25 at 6:30 pm
Austin Playwrights Studio, 5555 N. Lamar Blvd, Bldg. K, Ste. 125*
Death is not the disrupter of lives but rather his son, Grief.  This untitled play is an adaptation of […]


2018-01-21T17:42:29-06:00January 21st, 2018|anouncement, events for members, readings|

RUBY by Raul Garza
Sunday, January 28 at 6:30pm
Austin Playwrights Studio
5555 N. Lamar, Bldg. K, Ste. 125

Tapping virtual reality, vanguard brain doctor Belén seeks to reinvent brain trauma therapy. But is her unconventional approach a legitimate scientific advancement? Or just a cruel opportunity to play God? Incorporating science, the soul, magical realism, […]


2018-01-14T21:14:48-06:00January 14th, 2018|anouncement, events for members, events for the public, events from members, fronterafest, members at work|

FronteraFest is a five-week long performance festival that ScriptWorks co-produces with Hyde Park Theatre annually. We commission four pieces for the Short Fringe, which appear weekly on Weds. nights. Every year, several of our members are involved in FronteraFest. Below are the members who are taking part this year. For […]

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